Wednesday, August 26, 2009

KarmaAlert put out for Stolen Bikes

Courtesy of MX Sports
Hi There - Senan Gorman here from both and North Pole Design. I literally just launched KarmaArmy about a week ago, so it's a growing site as far as effectiveness goes. BUT that said, the idea is to utilize the power of social media and those who understand what kind of loss you guys and your racers just experience.

I saw your post and put out a KarmaAlert in your guys' names so that you may utilize the links to further extend your efforts. Please take a look at and the KarmaAlert for the bikes. If you like what we're doing, please take 2 minutes (literally) to register. You can use your profile as a way to store your serial #'s, photos, descriptions, etc.

That just sucks and I'm very sorry to hear about the theft! Hoping you can recover their stuff quickly!!!

I appreciate it! Also, if you're interested in what we're doing -- there's an article that will be in the Wall Street Journal tomorrow, Wednesday 8/26 about Bike Theft. (not mx, but it's all a major problem!)

I appreciate it and hope that our Alert System can really start to help recover stolen property!!

Kind Regards,

Chief Creative Guy
North Pole Design
Creativity, @ Your Service.

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